
Scope of Business

after finish>
Custom Weaving and Dyeing>

Achieving Highest Praise in the Industry "To Print, Ask for Taihui"

Process · Comprehensive and Exquisite

Process · Comprehensive and Exquisite

The Printing Department has comprehensive printing techniques such as reactive printing, disperse printing, discharge printing, born-out printing and paint printing, which can be used for printing and dyeing of any kind of fabric.
Discharge Printing · Keep Focused

Discharge Printing · Keep Focused

All captains have more than 15 years of work experience in the industry, and they are specialized in printing process with superb printing technique and ability to ensure the rate of quality products with discharge printing by over 97%.
Printing · Unique Process in the Industry

Printing · Unique Process in the Industry

?After more than 20 years of development, Taihui has taken many“difficult”printing orders establishing a style of its own; Throughout the challenges, Taihui printing team has rich experience with absolute competitive advantages in the industry. “To print, Ask for Taihui”has been a prevailing slogan and widely recognized in the industry.
Copyright of Taihui (Nantong) Knitting Dyeing & Printing Co., Ltd. (C) 2018       Network Support China Textile Network China Garment Network Business TreasureCopyright Statement         Record serial number: Soviet ICP 09064601-1
旺苍县| 资中县| 潍坊市| 仁布县| 阳曲县| 长丰县| 交城县| 敖汉旗| 环江| 湘阴县| 伊川县| 唐海县| 称多县| 大余县| 垣曲县| 元阳县| 马龙县| 监利县| 来宾市| 察隅县| 余干县| 崇明县| 隆回县| 迁西县| 繁昌县| 平顶山市| 读书| 瑞昌市| 灵武市| 区。| 溧阳市| 曲麻莱县| 关岭| 岫岩| 红河县| 武汉市| 东平县| 航空| 卢氏县| 昌黎县| 神农架林区|